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Hints for Burning

  • Get the appliance hot before adjusting to low burn
  • Use smaller pieces of wood during start-up and high burns to increase temperature
  • Use larger pieces of wood for overnight or sustained burns
  • Stack the wood tightly together to establish a longer burn
  • Be considerate of neighbors & the environment: burn dry wood only
  • Burn small, intense fires instead of large, slow burning fires when possible
  • Learn your appliance's operating characteristics to obtain optimum performance
  • ​Your chimney needs to be cleaned a minimum of once a year. If you burn the stove frequently during the winter it needs to be cleaned at least twice. The use of green or wet wood is the main cause for excessive creosote build up. In addition, your stove will not perform its best with the use of green or wet wood.

Selecting Wood

    Burn only untreated wood.

  • Dry Wood is Key – 15-20% moisture content
  • Dry wood burns hot, emits less smoke and creates less creosote.
  • Split wood stored in a dry area will be fully dry within a year. This insures dry wood. If purchasing wood for immediate use, test the wood with a moisture meter. Some experienced wood burners can measure wood moisture by knocking pieces together and listening for a clear "knock" and not a "thud"
  • ​The definition of seasoned wood is hard wood that has been cut, split, stacked, and stored in a dry place that can get absolutely no moisture but a lot of air for at least 1 year. Your stove will meet its peak performance when you burn a dry, seasoned hard wood. 
  • ​Pine is not a hardwood. Although it burns well, it will dramatically increase the need for your chimney to be cleaned.

Testing Wood Moisture– Split a piece of wood down the middle and test the center using a wood moisture meter.

Why Dry Wood is Key

Wet wood, when burned, must release water stored within the wood. This cools the fire, creates creosote, and hampers a complete burn. Ask any experienced wood burner and he or she will agree: dry wood is crucial to good performance.